Hannes Hawaii Tours and TIME2TRI go together

We are pleased to announce a new cooperation partner with Hannes Hawaii Tours today.

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Especially in the cold season, many athletes are drawn to the warm, whether for example Fuerteventura or Mallorca. Not to go on vacation there, but to lay the foundations for the coming season in training camps.

Hannes Hawaii Tours is definitely one of the best-known providers in this area. What once began with individual trips to Hawaii has now grown into a multitude of training and competition trips to the most beautiful triathlon destinations.

Together with Hannes Hawaii Tours we would like to make your camp stay even more pleasant in the future

Starting with this season, we would like to make your camp stay even more pleasant together with Hannes Hawaii Tours. In the future, you will therefore receive your camp training plans directly via our athlete app.

Furthermore, there will be a separate community in TIME2TRI for each camp, in which you will find all information about the camp. In addition, you can use these communities to exchange ideas with other camp participants, the guides or the camp management.

Our goal is to be a useful addition to the camps with our services. Of course, it is not intended to replace traditional events such as the Campinfo in the evening.

What direct advantages do I have as a camp participant?

  • You always have your training plan at hand.
  • Short-term changes in the program or plan are sent to your mobile phone via push message. Going to the notice board at reception is a thing of the past;)
  • In the communities you can exchange ideas with other guests, the guides or camp management and receive additional updates.
  • You can post your trainings on Instagram and Co. with the exclusive Hannes Hawaii Tours overlay.
  • You always have access to your Hannes Hawaii Tours packing list.
  • TIME2TRI is free for the HHT camp functions.
Photo Credits: 808 project, Moritz Sonntag

When does it start?

Together with Hannes Hawaii Tours, we have worked hard over the past few weeks to be able to offer full service to those of you who are already at the Racing Aloha Camp at the Playitas Resort at the weekend.

We look forward to the future cooperation with Hannes Hawaii Tours and hope to make your future camp stays even more pleasant with the new services.

Have fun training and get through the winter well!

Soeren Kroell
CEO & Founder
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