Automatic synchronization with Polar Flow released

Manual adjustment with Polar Flow is a thing of the past. Hello automatic sync!

Reading time: 2 Minuten

In March of this year, we expanded our range of integrations with other great platforms such as Garmin Connect or Strava by Polar Flow. Barely half a year later we have updated and improved this integration.

What has changed?

If you had activated an integration with Polar Flow in the past, you had to manually trigger a comparison between Polar and TIME2TRI manually. We are pleased that this is now a thing of the past and that in future new Polar activities will be automatically imported into TIME2TRI. Manual synchronization is therefore no longer necessary.

But also the information density has changed a bit. So far we only had access to prepared and limited data from Polar. Now we can access the FIT file generated by the recording of the workout. This gives you access to the "raw data" and allows you to process and import the training completely independently.

I have to do something?

No :) For every user who has activated an integration with Polar Flow, newly recorded Polar training data will be automatically imported from this morning - 22 October 2019.

Can I also import training data manually?

That is also possible! In the web interface, the "Synchronize Polar Flow" became a "Import Polar Activity" button.


By clicking on this button you end up in the media manager and can take over the desired activities from there. Already imported activities are recognizable as such. If necessary, however, these trainings can also be imported again.

Import activities through the Media Manager

What will follow next? We will soon be releasing a new version of the Athlete App, which also imports Polar activities manually if needed.

We hope the Polar users among you like the new automatic synchronization and are always looking forward to your feedback!

You have not activated any link with Polar Flow yet? Everything you need to know can be found here.


Soeren Kroell
CEO & Founder
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